Winter can be challenging in Abbotsford! However, there are various ways to stay warm in your vehicle. You might consider having a block heater or pre-heater installed in your Subaru. Such auxiliary parts can help to keep you and your vehicle as warm as possible when you’re driving. They provide a much more environmentally-friendly way to warm your vehicle than idling the engine for long stretches of time. Before you make a decision about purchasing one of these components for your car, you may want to explore the basics and benefits of both types of heaters. Once you have a better idea about what these heaters can do, you might then want to consult your local, knowledgeable mechanic at Collins Automotive in Abbotsford.
What is a Block Heater?
Cars hooked up with block heaters are not an uncommon sight in many parts of Canada. This car part warms the engine continuously when the car isn’t running. This may prevent the car from not starting at all when the outdoor temperature is frigid. The heater may come in the form of an electric element installed in the cylinder block. The element is connected via a power cord, which can be routed by way of the car’s grille. The heater is then plugged into an electrical outlet, and it might run for long periods of time when the car is not running.
Block Heater Benefits
A block heater could be an essential item for those who do not have access to a garage, especially if the winter temperatures are particularly cold. To start an engine in such conditions puts a great deal of stress on it. The cold temperatures can also force the battery and starter to work overtime, which ultimately puts added stress on those components, as well. Installing a block heater may circumvent such problems, and it could prevent excessive wear and tear on certain parts in the winter.
Pre-Heaters and Their Benefits
A vehicle pre-heater is a portable heater that is positioned on the dashboard of your car. You might turn this type of heater on about 20 minutes before you’re ready to drive. The device draws its energy from a rechargeable battery, and it blows hot air throughout the interior of your vehicle. Many people prefer these heaters because they often prevent the need to scrape icy windows, and they also prevent foggy windows that can lead to accidents caused by poor visibility. A car pre-heater might also put less stress on your car’s engine and increase your fuel efficiency.
If you are thinking about having an auxiliary heating component installed in your Subaru, you should speak to a qualified mechanic. A technician at Collins Automotive may be able to help you decide which type of heater is suited to your circumstances. Feel free to fill out our online form – we are happy to help you with all of your vehicle-related questions and concerns.
Collins Automotive
Family Owned Auto Shop, Serving Abbotsford, BC and surrounding area since 1993
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